Our Initiatives
Community Clean-Ups
A clean and beautiful community begins with clean streets. We help facilitate neighborhood and community clean-ups big and small by providing clean-up supplies, promoting the event, and recruiting volunteers. Whether you’re wanting to facilitate your own clean-up or join the efforts of another, you’ve come to right place.
White River Clean-Up
For over 15 years, the annual White River Cleanup has been responsible for removing an estimated 150,000 lbs (75 tons) and 950 tires from the White River. With 4,618 volunteers cleaning 135 river miles, it’s the largest single-day volunteer event in Delaware County.
Jim Reese Memory Tree Program
Honor the memory of a special person, celebrate the birth of a child, or commemorate a special occasion with the gift of a tree. With a growing and living tribute that betters our natural surroundings, trees are the perfect way to show someone that you care.
Adopt a Median
We sponsor a variety of medians within the city of Muncie by finding community partners and groups to maintain and beautify the medians. Community partners, businesses, groups, organizations, or individuals can join us in beautifying Muncie through this program.
Recycling in Muncie
Recycling turns materials that would otherwise become waste into valuable resources. In addition, it generates a host of environmental, financial, and social benefits. Materials like glass, metal, plastics, and paper are collected, separated, and sent to facilities that can process them into new materials or products. Muncie’s Blue Bag system makes it easy and free to recycle.